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He who can
no longer pause
to wonder and
stand rapt
in AWE, is as
good as dead;
his eyes
are closed.
[Albert Einstein]

We proudly present our new line AWE, for 2014/15…

We like to think that Andy Wolf Eyewear goes beyond improving your eyesight. We want to help you experience life. To take in the impressions, appreciate what is and marvel at this incredible world we’re living in.

There is a word that describes this. It’s awe; a complicated feeling that can be good or bad, standing for reverence, wonder, joy or fear and shock. Awe makes you feel overcome with great emotional power, giving you a whole new perspective. That is why we named our new line „AWE“, to remind us all to take in the wonders of our lives, however big and small, insignificant or life changing they may be.

To capture this feeling of awe, we’ve included several stories of personal awe in this lookbook, accompanied by photography that depicts the interpretation of this emotion by our Andy Wolf family. So many different characters choose Andy Wolf to become a part of their lives and experiences. That’s something we are in awe of.

Unisex Frames
Female Frames
Sun Frames